Monday, December 14, 2009

A year and many sunsets later...

Almost a year ago my girls and I left Georgia to meet Gene in our new home in New Jersey... having absolutely no idea what a future there would hold. If you haven't read the post, which in many ways shared our heart and emotions- I invite you do to so...An Invitation.
Even as I write now- a few tears are welling up- but they are not tears of sadness- they are tears of thankfulness to the One and only Jesus that has brought us through the valley and has not only moved mountains- but has flattened some of them!

If you pray- Lord lead me, I will better mean it!!!! I can AMEN to that. But I will share that if you will follow Him- there is no sweeter thing than being led by the One who created you, died for your sins and loves you with an everlasting love.
One of the reasons it was so hard to leave Georgia- was leaving the relationships that we developed while we were there. We were already missing all of our NC family & friends!!! And now- we had a double portion of God Knit relationships in Georgia! I thank God for all of our family in Georgia & NC -we can't wait to see you all again soon.

And one more, not so talked about reason- that I have not shared with many until now- was what we experienced when we arrived in NJ- our "home", was located on a turnpike, across from a major toll station and right across from a row of seedy motels(pictured above) that house/d prostitutes and drug addicts and their customers. Within feet from our front door,bodies from a quadruple, execution style murder had been discovered 2 years prior and they still have not found the killer. When your neighborhood appears on 48 hours that is a clue...

Every day was a choice. I could either- choose to live in His presence or be bitter, mad and choose to be miserable and full of fear.

Thankfully, with His help- I chose to live in His joy. Many days I could not be governed by my emotions. The Word is our filter! Not our amygdala...nother post, nother day.

Even NJ folks, policeman, friends, teachers, store clerks, would find out where we were living and share concern (all but our realtor- and in her defense, she lived right down the road and seriously loves the area).

Not even safe to go outside. My husband was propositioned, by a prostitute in our yard. Semi-automatic gun fire woke up Gene one night...I could go on and on...

The point is- number one- I was not going to live in fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear- and anything that instills fear is NOT FROM HIM! So that was a real, first hand lesson learned right there.
And- point number two- I learned to go beyond my feelings and choose JOY!!!! Our back view was the bay and each day held a gorgeous sunset (pictured above). I would watch those sunsets and think about how the Lord had "set" His Son on the cross for you and for me. A beautiful Son-set reminder. It got me through many a day. Focusing on His goodness. The girls and I got through a season mainly hold up in our town-home- but we shared many sweet memories.
Point three-cause there are always three points, I learned to have a heart for those women who are tangled up in prostitution- some of them by no choice of there own. I was made aware of a very real problem in our country. Sex slaves filtered in from overseas, to New York- right into Atlantic City.
Now I am thanking the Lord for a new home in a neighborhood!!!!!!!!!! Yea!!! With a yard!!!!!! But I am also thanking Him for the lessons learned in that townhome.
We have discovered that Jesus is everywhere and we can trust Him to grow us wherever He leads us! We have found an AWESOME body of Christ up here in New Jersey!!! God always exceeds what we could dare to imagine. Looking back over the past year- I can see clearly His hand in our journey. The road was dotted with some painful moments...but I know God heard our prayers and He has not stopped working in us.

I think back to when we first got to NJ, see ( This is Not What I ordered) I was breaking- but Jesus was, makin' His vessel stronger! We are living for His glory!
If you have a mountain in front of you- please remember that Jesus Christ is a mountain mover(Matt 17:20, Matt 21:21, Mark 11:23)!!! He has the power to flatten mountains as well!!! You shout GRACE, GRACE (Zec4:7)and count on His power, not your own and you will be blessed. That is His promise.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

More than a Song...Praising & Packing

So much more than a song. First of all...I need to share that I cannot carry a tune. I have prayed for the gift of song...but that doesn't appear to be my gifting. Thank Jesus though, is not about entertainment- we are singing to an audience of One, as Pastor Kevin Bernat, our NJ pastor, reminded us last Sunday.

The Word speaks of singing praises to our King...singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord!Col 3:16 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:19 Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy [shall be] upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; [and] sorrow and mourning shall flee away.Isaiah51:11 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100:2

And my all time favorite 2 Chronicles 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to read it...go ahead (but come back cause there is some more to share:) I know- there are things to get punched out on your to do list- mine too- I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF MOVING!! LOL. But take a second to be with Him. You will not regret it! Ok- if you don't have a Bible- here is a link that you can use to read this awesome Word: 2 Chronicles 20

Your battles are birthed in Kingdom assignments(Chronicles 20:15).It is all Father filtered and even if He didn't cause it, He can use it for His glory!

Verse 21 & 22...And when he (King Jehoshaphat) had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever.

King Jehoshaphat was facing three evil armies- they “came against Jehoshaphat to battle"

The Word says he was fearful and he called a fast, seeking God. He heard from the Lord-and the Lord said, "You will not even NEED to fight. Stand still and watch the Lord’s victory!!!!"(I am paraphrasing) He went into battle with his singing,dancing, praising shoes on. His only weapons were praise!!!!! He did not have the heart or desire to kill- His enemies turned on each other and God gave the riches(spoils) of the evil armies to Jehoshaphat and his people. The beauty and lesson I have taken from this account, is to lay down your weapons and praise the Lord- HE WILL FIGHT YOUR BATTLES FOR YOU!!!!

So wherever you are- Sing and dance before the Lord- offering up some real, authentic praise to Him- who was marred beyond recognition for YOU (Isaiah 52:14). He is crazy in love with you despite all your mess- He is ready and willing to fight for you. I love you guys- and if you are reading this- I have prayed in advance for you!

And he hath put a new song in my mouth, [even] praise unto our God: many shall see [it], and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.Psalm 40:3

Praisin and packing this morning ;), jananne

Praise Him for forgiveness!

Praise Him for the Power of the Cross!

Praise Him for Who He is!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Feeling Crummy? Grab a crumb!

Discouraged,unworthy ... Not sure who needs to hear this, but I know somebody does. Share if you feel led by our sweet Holy Spirit. This was originally sent to those in our Marriage Monday group- but it is applicable to us all. You may be so discouraged today- feel so unworthy today...He hears your prayers. Press in...keep moving in a forward direction towards the Prize. Do not give up. His arms are underneath you. You are worth fighting for. If you are married, your marraige is worth fighting for. Your family is worth fighting for. His Kingdom is worth fighting for. What you are going through is TEMPORARY and Jesus will get the glory. Don't give up. Don't do it. The Lord is your strength. He will carry you. Put one foot in front of the other and depend on Him to be your strength. Supernaturally He will work it out. Our strength will not get it! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 Depend on Jesus to fight for you!!!!!! I have no idea who needed that- but He is always more than enough and sometimes when you are in pain the enemy tricks your brain into thinking you are not worthy of the Lord's greatness. Remember- your only worthy because of HIS greatness in you!!!!!!!!!!!! It has nothing to do with you- our number one hindrance to our faith is that we are en-grained with a feeling that we can only get what we deserve. We will never deserve. If we shout and praise over what we do- we will be hot and cold. If we rejoice over what HE does--- the fire will burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Even when we fail...He is worthy. You are not praying in your name- but in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!!!!! So pray believing in His greatness- His supernatural power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be real with Him!!! In Matthew 15(read it) a woman from Canaan came to Jesus saying the "right churchy stuff" and He answered her not a word. THEN she came and worshipped Him...she realized that even a crumb from the Lord....think, even the touch of His hem.....HE IS SO WORTHY!!!! Go grab you some of THAT!!!!!! Love you guys- Let me know how you are doing. Praising HIS name- JESUS YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!! jananne

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Divine Design

Join us in Winterville, North Carolina!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Open Door Ministries

Jananne Waller will share the latest findings in neuroscience
from a Christian perspective and share practical
implications for life, teaching and parenting.

We will end the evening covering our students,
teachers, administrators and parents in prayer!

Attention…The Unmotivated Child…Homework Helps…
Just a few topics that will be covered!
Please RSVP if you are planning to attend
Coffee & chocolate will be served!
Email or

Sponsored by Hope of Glory Ministries & Open Door Ministries

A love offering will be taken for SHINE 24/7

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Comfort in a Hard Place?

Recently my friend Maryann, shared pictures of her family on a recent camping trip to the Sequoias. When I saw the picture of her son- resting soundly on the rock, I could he be comfortable???? He must just be worn out!

I was reminded of the account of Jacob(Gen 28)...who, leaving a dry place (Beer-sheba), slept on a rock- symbolizing Christ. That is when he dreamed, saw the gate of Heaven and God at the top of the ladder and received the Covenant promise that ALL families of the earth be blessed (Gen 28:14)!!!!

We have to rest on the Rock. It makes no sense to find comfort in a "hard" place. But when we are going through stuff- that Rock is our only hope.

Are you in a hard place? Are you worn out? Sick and tired of being sick and tired! Do things look hopeless?

Rest on the rock. That means being real with Him. He knows it all anyway- so go ahead and lay it at His feet, tears and all. Stop trying to fix things yourself, it will never work.

Jacob had manipulated situations for so long- trying to accomplish things in the flesh- his way. He had to get to a place where he was out of uncomfortable place.

The greatest dreams God gives us come from the hardest times in our lives. We never get a revelation of the supernatural as long as things in life are easy. He shared that if you hang in there, the awful place becomes the awesome place!!!!

The hardest place can become the place you find rest in Him and where Covenant promises are revealed!

Pray this prayer (or something like it):

Lord I thank You for who You are. Please forgive me for trying to do things my own way. You know it all- You are sovereign. I want to rest on the Rock. I want to be aware of Your majesty in every aspect of my life. I want Your plans, Your promises for my life and Your purpose fulfilled. I lay _________ ( you fill in the blank-hurts, problems, sadness, sickness, disappointments etc...) at Your feet. I know You are big enough to handle it. I put my trust in You, for surely You are with me (Matthew 28:20) and I know if I put my trust in you and not in my flesh You have promised to direct me(Proverbs 3:5-6). In Your name I pray Jesus. AMEN

You are blessed in Jesus name! Praising Our King Today-love, jananne
(photo used with permission- thanks Maryann!)

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Thousand Miles...No other answer

My high school friend, Kevin, is fighting the battle of a lifetime. Stage four liver cancer. I shared this video on Facebook today and this is what Kevin wrote:



Jesus will transform you, there is no a way that is unexplainable. Kevin- thanks for the life lessons you are teaching us all. And Jesus...thanks for always being more than enough.
UPDATE 8-25-09 To all my friends who have been praying for Kevin- he got this report today: "GOT REPORT FROM DR FINK TODAY ONLY 1 TUMOR LEFT AND ITS LESS THAN 1 CM IN SIZE WHICH WAS 30 X 6 CM IN ORIGINAL SIZE. GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS. CAN I GET AN AMEN !!!"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Facebook & Faithbook

My mom doesn't have a Facebook- but she does have a Faithbook!!! And she puts Words from it on her "wall"!

Not sure how many Facebookers I'm sharing with today- I said I would never, never, never get a Facebook...well. It's true. Don't ever say never, ever.

Cause I got one.

But I was reminded the other day as I read my mother's "wall" in her house that even better than Facebook- which I am truly enjoying, there is a Faithbook called the BIBLE that we need to check in with even more often than Facebook!!!!

Every answer, every truth, every bit of hope...every is all there, in your Faithbook!
Jesus is our personal trainer! And He has given us the best instructions and encouragement available. And you don't have to have big bucks to hire Him!!! He is available 24/7!!!!!
I travel in my car with a small Bible... I want His Word everywhere my feet trod and my wheels roll! And this trainee does a lot of rolling.
My daughter's dear friend, Rebecca gave her the idea of putting key Scriptures on colored index cards to hand to friends as encouragement. Staples has the cutest index card holders that fit right in your purse.
I've already shared with some that my friend, Tonya, gave me the idea to keep a spiral index card book handy with key verses. I print mine on shipping labels- just the right size for an index card and that way I share them with friends.
And my mom, who is my faith mentor...keeps His Word, literally on her wall!
Did you know you can write with a dry erase marker on glass? Like on your good morning mirror??
One of my favorite Scriptures, "Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, For I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, For to You I lift up my soul... Psalm 143
Wake up to that each morning!!!!!! I love it!!!! Going to go write it on my mirror!
Praising Him for my Faithbook!love- jananne

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Prayer, Disappointment & Healing

A loved one dies…a friend is diagnosed with cancer…a child is tragically killed.

This morning I was struggling a little bit. A loved one dies… Hopelessness?

No- we have a blessed hope Titus 2:13. Don’t believe the lies.

And now, brothers and sisters, I want you to know what will happen to the Christians who have died so you will not be full of sorrow like people who have no hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:13

There is an appointed time for us all to go home. Ecc 3:2

There is no way to comprehend all His ways. He is sovereign- everything that happens is filtered by His mighty hands. He has eternity in mind- and He loves each of us with an everlasting love.

God I don’t understand.

Jananne it is not for you to understand. Just be obedient. Keep the faith.

And faith never dulls feelings. So if you need to sob, sob. If you need to get mad, get mad. He understands. Need to scream, scream. Just don’t pull away from the Savior…

So, we think, I’m just not going to pray- my prayers don’t matter. Look what happens. People suffer anyway.

Pray, an action verb, occurs 313 times in the KJV of the Bible. The word prayer occurs 107 times, prayers, 24 times.
I think God is trying to tell us something. We are called to pray…He is the one who hears and heals.

The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16.

I use to think I couldn’t pray because I wasn’t righteous enough…well- we are only made righteous by the blood of Calvary…I heard a pastor once share that he hadn’t been with Jesus all day…his usual quiet time had been interrupted, he had grown impatient with someone…etc…at the end of the day he didn’t even feel like he could open his mouth to pray and he heard Jesus say…stop trying to pray in your own name and pray in MINE!!!!

My NC pastor, Branson Sheets, shared a message on Powerful Healing Prayer and one on Hope a few years ago. Two messages I will never forget. This morning, I had a nudge from the Holy Spirit to listen to them again- truth and grace. He also mentioned that this message may offend some- well- that's ok too. I tend to grow the most when I'm offended!

Branson reminded us that in the Word of God, sick people came to Jesus and Jesus healed them. He told his disciples to go in His name and heal the sick.
We are His disciples. We should also pray that the sick will be healed in Jesus name. You may think that you don’t have faith like that…

The Word says we are all given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) and Jesus also shares that it can be as small as mustard seed (Matt 17:20). God puts the miracle grow on it!

He is the source of all divine healing.

In his message, Pastor Sheets investigated the reasons people don’t pray…

I’ve already covered one reason…we haven’t wrapped our brains around the name we are praying in! Your personal worthiness has nothing to do with it. Only by His grace, is His power living in you as a believer. His authority. In JESUS name.

As I was searching yesterday, I thought about this verse…John 14:12-13 He that believeth me on me, the works I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto the Father.

He’s talking about us there…

And there is the fear of failure…I don’t know what to say… what if he/she doesn’t get healed?

So you pray a safe prayer. Here it is…Lord, if it is your will make this person well.

It is His will, according to His Word for a person to be healed. Spiritually and physically. Read the Lord’s prayer- the ultimate example. On earth, as it is in heaven. There are no sick people in heaven...and He says on earth as it is in heaven...that means His will on for you to be healed. Again, there is an appointed time for all to go to their eternal home…but while we are here- He wants you well.

In His Word it is clear that God wants His best for us. If you find yourself praying a weak prayer- stop, take a breath, refire…

I just know that He calls me to pray.

And He does promise that He will use all things- even unimaginable loss for good, for those that love Him. Romans 8:28. I have seen countless families deal with an unbearable loss and give God the glory for carrying them through it all.

I heard a testimony from a mother this summer from our GA church. Her son was killed in a car accident on the way to our church Easter Sunday several years ago...but still she had the Joy of the Lord in her heart. She gave her son's testimony. He had accepted Christ as his Savior just months before at our youth conference. She encouraged parents that day to get their kids into a good church and put a priority on things like youth conferences instead of just soccer camps. The conference that her son attended (Forward) turned out to be the most important day of his life.

Think of the depth of Christ's compassion for us. Christ wept at the tomb of Lazarus and He knew all…John 11:33-38.

Reinhard Bonnke shares this:

“Jesus saw in this scene of sorrow the agony of all bereavements. Death did not merely affect His friend Lazarus. It was not for His own circumstances that He showed such deep feeling. “He had no tears for His own griefs but sweat drops of blood for mine,” wrote songwriter Charles H. Gabriel. Jesus saw every funeral at that moment, and the king of terrors that haunt mankind with death. It was because He possessed this profound compassion that He went down into the caverns of death and conquered it.

This is the love, the gospel, and what we the Church, are all about. This is the Gospel the world needs.” August 5, 2009

The compassion of Christ placed Him on Calvary…for you and for me.

Back to prayer… if you feel like you don’t know how to pray, know that our prayers don’t have to be fancy.

Think about how Jesus prayed.
Get up (John 5:8)(Mark 5:41)
Be healed(Mark 1:41).

Speak the Word of God over the circumstance.

The Word shows us that OUR faith can play a part in healing…the woman with the issue of blood(Mark 5). It also demonstrates that a friend’s faith can bring us healing through Jesus Christ. Think of Jarius interceding for his child and the friends raising a roof to lower their buddy to Jesus. It was their faith that got their friends to the Father!!! My dear friend Mary Alice reminded me of this truth in His Word just recently!

So- the point is, pray believing, in the name of Jesus, with His authority- not yours.

I have seen miracles first hand. I have also see precious, God fearing, faith filled folks lose a loved one unexpectedly.

I don’t understand. Only God does. He has eternity in mind, always.

He calls us to pray. Praising Our Savior-jananne

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lily Pad Faith

I saw the most beautiful lily pads when we were in Florida this summer- A wonderful example of how God is in the details! If you ever see a pond without lily pads you will know it- it will more than likely be covered in algae, a yucky muck. Lilies act as a biological water filter. They also provide shade for the fish swimming in the hot sun. Lilies oxygenate the water, which is important for pond fish and other pond creatures. Not to mention they are beautiful.
And while we were gazing at this beautiful pond of lilies l saw a little frog “be-laxing” as Selah would say on the lily pad and then jump off and swim under for protection.

And the Lord whispered… I am your covering… I provide protection, rest, I give you breath… I am your filter… I am your hiding place…

I love to be reminded of His goodness and seek Him in the ordinary. The very breath of God in you...can you wrap your brain around that? Job 33:4, Isaiah 42:5

I was also reminded how life was without His covering- and how life can be when we try to do it on our own. Frogs, I mean friends…we have to hang out in the pond with the lily pad! He has provided everything we need and in Him, there is peace- lily pad peace!

The issue is that we frogs put our trust in other things! We cover ourselves with the things of this world… maybe we turn to alcohol, self help books (I have read everyone that was published prior to 1998),we seek other frogs that feed into our fears rather than point us to our covering…we over eat,we under eat, we shop till we drop… and I am just mentioning some of the things THIS frog did to self medicate… there are many other ways to cover yourself in algae!

The issue is this…these other things are only temporary and Jesus is extra- ordinary! His covering will never leave you, He will protect you, heal you, give you peace, rest, and restoration with His very breath…He will give you a new life…whew- that’s good news!

And when trouble and tragedy arrives in your pond- you can always count on Him to be there. Always. He doesn’t put you on hold. He never forgets to return your call. Ever.
You just have to choose to trust in Him.

I tried it on my own for a long time. I just about, literally wore myself out. I didn’t know I had such an awesome covering. Such a hiding place.

Pastor Kevin, our NJ pastor recently shared an illustrated message about Jacob wrestling with God(Gen 32). Jacob said- I’m not going to let you go until you bless me. This has always been one of my favorite accounts because I have wrestled with God too! I want Your blessing God!

What touched my spirit, was when Pastor Kevin explained that as they were wrestling…God hit Jacob's flesh…when He did- Jacob…fell into His arms. Visualize that for a second...

God said… “What is your name?…” “Jacob”(as if God didn’t know, Jacob was probably thinking)…No- God said.. “Your name is now Israel…”

No longer named Jacob- which means schemer, manipulator. God’s blessing, the punch in the flesh- which represents our attachment to the world, our own sinful ways and desires,our "try to do it on our own mentality" …caused Jacob to fall into the arms of the Father with a new name!!!

That is so good to me! Fall into His arms. Accept His covering- stop trying to do this thing called life on your own. We are new creations in Christ…with a new name…a new inheritance…
I don't want to put my faith and trust into myself or anything other than Jesus. I don't want to be covered with algae!
Check this out:

Deuteronomy 32:37-39 (King James Version)
37And he shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted,
38Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.

None of our efforts can measure up to the protection of the Father's arms... He is our lily pad and more!

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says GOD,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"
Psalm 91:14-16 The Message

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Let us strip off anything that holds us back...

If you are real religious or easily offended don’t read this one. I warned you.
Ok- if you are still reading now, make sure you follow it through until the end… there is His point.
I have a confession. I went to a movie when we were in Greenville…one of my favorite female actresses was in it. I went to ECU with her- and she and I were in dance classes together, although I knew her as Sandy- and of course- she was just a normal college person, doing normal college things.
Anyhow… I knew there was a questionable scene- but in my mind I rationalized (always, always, always a mistake) because I knew the questionable moment was an “accident”…and I had checked with SEVERAL folks that had seen it and there were no sex scenes or even murmuring of pre-marital sex. Ok I thought… I’ll go see it. It’s not an R rated movie…
Long story- but it gets even worse- I took my mother and my kids. Now if you know what movie I am talking about…
Nobody told me that there was a STRIPPER in this movie. Remember, we only watch Reba and Sid the Science Kid…
The male stripper comes into the picture and I am completely shocked, sweating, melting into my seat and bending Selah’s head down so her eyes don’t see this. I AM FREAKING OUT AT THIS POINT and Selah yells, of course during a quiet part… and if you know Selah, she knows how to yell, “Mommy, you are breaking my neck at all the evil parts.”
Oh great, now I am going to be arrested for exposing my child to pornography AND causing her bodily harm.
So with a sore neck and unbelievable conviction in my spirit- we left. Selah- mommy made a big mistake(Psalm 101:3). It just wasn’t good….
Oh my. Can I pray the blood of Jesus over this? Can I ask for forgiveness? Yes, yes I can. I sure learned a lesson here.

But onto the real stripping lesson… the real point…

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

When I read that several years ago… this is what I heard the Lord say… Strip off everything that holds you back from My purpose.

So I put this verse in my kitchen in NC. I saw it every day for many years. I thought about it every day. I spoke it over my life every day.

God listened. Ok- He always listens…

Did I even know what I was praying???? Maybe not, but God did.

After the miracle of Selah Grace (we tried for nine years for our second miracle…another post all together), Gene, the leader of our family, shared that the Lord told him that I was going to stay at home now…This had been a dream of mine for years…

Strip- I didn’t know my desire would be painful. I left a job I loved, working daily with one of my best friends, teachers whom I had mentored, taught and truly cherished. And…the daily confirmation that I was worthy. Just being real…you don’t get that kind of feedback from a newborn and a soon to be tween at the time.

Lots more stripping there- no room in bank account for shopping sprees- big family vacations…

New job in Atlanta…strip…no longer comfortable, leaving my family, my friends, our amazing church, our dream home that we built and designed and moving into a house half the size…boy did we strip off some actual stuff just to fit into that house in Atlanta!

Whew- finally comfortable in Atlanta- wonderful church family- growing in Him- love the area- God knitted relationships with like-minded families. By now, I don’t even like shopping malls- but The Mall of GA is right in the neighborhood!

Position dissolved. Strip…Gas prices rise…strip…things are tight…this is not working…strip…this can only work if God steps in. BINGO.

Move to, where? New Jersey? Really? God, are You sure You know what You’re doing here- I mean- we are involved with a wonderful church- we are all growing in You…we’ve already been through this moving test thing. Skylar has a network here of God fearing cool kids… I don’t want to go, but I will choose to remember your faithfulness.

Literal shock. A two bedroom town home that rents for $400 more a month than our GA cottage, I mean house, payment. And we are living on a turnpike across from a toll station. People don’t smile around here and they don’t talk to you and I am freezing my tail off! We prayed about this Lord…we were seeking you Lord…where did we go wrong???

Strip, strip strip.

A few stripping lessons:

God is not interested in your comfort, he is interested in building your character. This sounds cliche- but I have lived it out.

The stuff in life is not important. At one point, this year, we almost moved into a camper(needed to get off the turnpike)- I am not exaggerating- my husband said- it has granite. I said honey, if I cared about granite, I wouldn’t be considering living in a camper!

God knows what He is doing and everything, everything is Father filtered. This life is but a moment…He has eternity in mind. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

God is everywhere, even in New Jersey, which by the way, is becoming home- now that is a manifested miracle- and, there are nice folks up here!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13: 8 When all hell is breaking lose around you, hold on to that.

If I hadn’t gone through major marriage problems…I wouldn’t know Him as the God of restoration.
If mom hadn’t gone through cancer and had a stroke…I wouldn’t know Him as healer.
If I hadn’t gone through secondary infertility for NINE years…I wouldn’t know Him as the God who heals me.
If we hadn’t moved…I wouldn’t know Him as the God who is with me, literally everywhere I go.
If I hadn’t gotten rid of my “stuff” mentality and Gene hadn’t lost his job, I wouldn’t know Him as my provider.
And finally, if God had not led us to make take a huge leap of faith, going from a two income family to a stay at home mom family, I would have never had the revelation of my position in Christ (Ephesians 2) and that my worth is all about Him (Galatians 1:10)... not to mention the daily blessings I am experiencing with my two princesses!

He really is all that and more. And if you hold on while things are breaking off…I promise, He offers living water, joy ... in the land of the living, and even better... into eternity!

I asked to be stripped…and when we, get down to nothin, He is still there…all powerful and mighty and He gets the glory cause there is no other explanation.

And living for His glory…I wouldn’t change a thing. That’s His point.

Psalm 27:13-14
13I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bubbles, Play Dough & Pancakes...Out of a job?

This post is for busy moms and dads that want to make every minute matter. So many days I have felt like I was just going through the motions...and the day was going by, consumed by things that didn't matter (can you guess where that lie came from?).

I developed a little list that I try to accomplish everyday with my youngest princess (have goals for myself & Skylar too...I'll share later) I think this list would be very appropriate for most 2-5 year olds during the summer months and actually as I think about this- it is exactly what I did with Skylar as she continued into her 5-10yr stretch. If you are homeschooling- you could add a few things during your school time during the year. This keeps me in check- am I getting the big rocks in first? At the end of the day- I know that Kingdom seeds are being planted.

Everyday Fun:

• His Word (this might be Scripture memory, an activity or a Bible story)

• Art Activity (craft, coloring, painting, etc..)

• Books (old favorites and some new, soon to be favorites)

• Cooking (this can be helping me prepare one of the daily meals, making a snack or a special recipe)

• Helping (aka chores)

• Movement(we don't have a yard- most folks don't need to plan for this!)

Science, math and everything else in between gets covered over and over if I stick to these! Many times they overlap...a Scripture lesson might also be an art activity...And... Skylar, my teenager, joins in for most of these in between Algebra and Facebook!

As this goes to press... Selah and I made pancakes together this am. As she was stirring the dry ingredients together they "whoofed" all over the counter. Her little eyes looked up up and said..."Oh no- am I out of a job??????"
Oh my... another lesson, "No honey there is something called grace and you most definitely are not out of a job!"

We pushed it all back in the bowl(five second rule...yall know my counter was clean!) and had a great lesson about unintentional accidents verses doing something "on the purpose", aka sin on a mission!

Enjoy your kids today. Don't believe the enemies lies that the time we spend with our kids is insignificant. Ask Him to weave in Kingdom seeds in everything you do...from bubbles to pancakes!

The fashion diva in me just has to share that yes, Princess Selah picked out her outfit and although you can't see the bottom of this ruffle mania it does, in fact, spin.

I am convinced if you have bubbles and play dough kids can play for hours! Wanted to share a few recipes that we have really enjoyed over the years. The Bubble recipe is on the right hand side of blog under Bubble Fun.

Play Dough
1 c flour
1/4 c salt
2 T cream of tartar
1 c water
food coloring
1 T oil

Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients & heat over med (med low if you have flames), stirring the entire time.

It will look like a real mess but will quickly form a ball . Turn it out onto a floured surface- or I use wax paper(easy clean up). Store in a plastic container or bag. Lasts until green fuzzy mold starts growing...just kidding, toss after about a week.

The word "formed" appears 33x in the King James Bible. There are soooo many lessons you can incorporate with play dough! One of my personal favorites...

Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer,and He that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone, that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.

Good Start Pancakes (click to follow link to my other blog)

Praising Him for His Majesty inside YOU!
And picking playdough creations out of my computer keyboard...

Friday, May 29, 2009

All The Granola in the World

Over the years I have learned a lot about the brain and the wonderful way God designed it. I have also learned a lot about our immune system and how it was designed, by the Ultimate designer, to repair itself- IF we would just treat it like the Temple it is.

I am not fearful of going home (that's Christianese for our real home, Heaven)- but while I am here I want to feel good. I want all His plans fulfilled for my life.
Sometimes we forget there is Joy in the land of the living(Psalms 56)!

I have a strong mom who has been healed from a high degree of hormonal cancer, survived a stroke and she has more energy now than I do! And just recently- my dad had some sort of mini stroke- and he is a very healthy guy! Both of my parents are in their early sixties (sixty just keeps getting younger- doesn't it?). I have high cholesterol and have since I was in my early twenties. So- I have an interest in this feeling good stuff .
God wants us to feel good too. Your body is His temple. He created you. He knit you together in your mother’s womb! He has mighty plans for you! I love the Lord's prayer. It is our ultimate example of prayer. Our Father... Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Ok- there is no sickness in Heaven.

My nickname back in NC is granola. I’m ok with that, although I certainly don't always munch on granola as evidenced in my earlier posts!

Here a few practical tips…

Stay hydrated with H2O. It’s a must for optimal brain functioning, your brain is about 78% water. Studies show that most folks who have a heart attack or stroke were dehydrated at the time of the incident. Dehydration is also a major problem in our schools.

Oxygenate your blood. Get up and move. Cancer is not suppose to grow when your blood is oxygenated. Think Lance Armstrong. Optimal brain functioning is also correlated with movement. Moving impacts mood, learning, attention etc... and I am feeling convicted because I don't move enough...really even with a 3 year old at 42, I need to be intentional about this one.

Eat Smart- ok you already know I have a weakness for sweets- but I am working on it. Get your colorful veggies, whole grains, omega 3’s(did you know kiwis are full of omega 3’s??).

More tips later... but for now, there are some truths about health that are far more important than any factoids.

All the granola in the world cannot give you His joy and healing...

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2 This truth not only speaks of our health, but also examining our spiritual condition.

Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24
What we speak and how we speak them over our situations and circumstances matters. We can't speak negativity into a situation and expect a positive outcome!
Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy reward. Isaiah 58:8
The "then"part of that verse is God sharing that He wants our true worship... not religious legalism. A close examination of Isaiah 58 reveals that He wants us to get right with our brothers and sisters, share bread with those in need, cover those who are hungry... and then He shares the blessings that come from a life of worship. Worship isn't just what we do on Sunday- it is how we live every moment for Him.

So being a real health nut is about serving Him in our every moment with worshipful living.
I know what you are thinking, cause I am thinking it too- I'll never measure up. I can't always live a life of worship- life gets in the way, my flesh gets in the way.

You have a Helper who is continually transforming us into His image. Call to Him. Be real with Him. Spend time in His Word. He is attracted to your weakness and made strong!!!!! That is an awesome promise that I call on all the time!!!!!! You were not meant to do this life thing solo!!!!!

Here is a healthier option to our favorite taco fast food restaurant... NJ has a lot of GREAT Italian food- but so far haven't found a restaurant that serves up broccoli tacos (really I have never found a restaurant that serves a broccoli taco). I'll also share a link to a calorie/nutrition calculator if you are interested in that kind of thing! You would be amazed at how you can reduce the sodium and fat by just adjusting a few things...and by cooking at home!

Tortillas (makes about 12 )
3 cups unbleached flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
4 Tbsp butter (shocker, I know- but I really believe a little of the real thing is better than a lot of chemicals)
about 1 1/4 cups warm water
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Cut cold butter in with a fork, pastry cutter or just do it the old fashioned way and use your hands. Next, add warm water a little at a time until your dough is soft and not sticky. Knead the dough for a few minutes. Pull off pieces of dough and form into 12 dough balls. Let them rest for at least 10 minutes. You can also cover them and refrigerate. Heat a non stick pan or griddle. Set at medium to high heat. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin (fairly thin). Lay your tortilla on the hot griddle or skillet. It takes just a few seconds to cook. Flip to the other side. When they are done it should have lots of nice brown speckles. Stuff them with whatever you like- carrots, broccoli, almonds, low fat cheese, a little cayenne pepper. The possibilities are endless. And this is a quick recipe!! In less than 20 minutes you can have dinner on the table! Yum!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Momma in Hot Rod Saved by Fruit

There are times when we don’t feel like being Christ- like. Maybe someone has been inconsiderate. Maybe someone has been unreasonable. Maybe just downright mean. Maybe deceitful.
But Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek (Matt 5:39). Esteem others more than yourself (Phil 2:3).
Sometimes being like Jesus calls us to do crazy things- like showing genuine love for someone who has hurt you or someone you love. Notice I didn’t say- throw them a fake smile- pretend like you like them- tolerate them-be nice in front of them- He said- LOVE- so if He is living inside me- then I will love them. I don’t know how- it is Him- His supernatural power.

The alternative is revenge.

Keeping it real, I got cut-off today in NJ traffic. Really cut-off. Like, I must still have something to do for Jesus cut off- because there is no other explanation for me or my car still being in one piece.
And at first- it was a “how could you” feeling- and then I almost slipped into I’m going to get them- yea right, can you picture me, with my hot rod Kia mini-van chasing down someone on the NJ turnpike??? Not exactly a mafia ride!!!
And then- I kid you not- I heard- “Do not revenge, but love (Lev 19:18). Not revenge, but blessing. (1 Peter3:9).
So I prayed- and not for them to get a ticket-OK, I thought about it- but I prayed for peace to reign in their hearts and for protection.
He calls us to love- even our enemies (Luke 6:35).
He commands us to do well in the sight of all men (Romans 12:17). This doesn’t translate into co-dependency- but rather Jesus pleasing.

I think it is partially a matter of trust. So many times I have really messed up putting my trust into another human. His word clearly states- TRUST IN ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART(Prov 3:5). Well- there is not another part left to trust with if all your heart is trusting Him. Remember- He is in the boat (Mark 4:37-41)!

And partially a matter of self-control, rather, His control. Anger only gives territory to the devil. If I find myself getting angry- I breathe in and out and just keep seeking the Lord- keep praying that I want Jesus to renew my mind and give me a clean heart(Psalm 51:10.) Only He can do that. I can’t even do that. He is the fruit producer!

But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Galatians 5:22).

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation--those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God. Philippians 1:11

I promise you don’t want any bitter roots growing in you- God likens an angry man to a city without walls (Pr 25:28).

I trust Him to fight my battles- He calls me to love.
I trust Him to fill the voids- to heal the hurts of angry car drivers- He calls me to love.
I trust Him to protect- He calls me to love.

There was a time in my marriage which I didn’t like my husband and He didn’t like me- can anyone relate??? I was a controlling snob- He had a major drinking problem. My Christian counselor told me that I needed to make my husband- the leader of our family. What came next shocked me. I said, “He doesn’t deserve it.” He said- doesn’t matter- you put all your trust in the Lord and love your husband. God will do the rest. AND GUESS WHAT-HE DID!!!!!!

Wow- He calls me to love.

I have had folks (that is southern for people) ask me- how do you forgive so freely?? I've had a few really good mentor forgivers- my mom being one.

And then there is JESUS! It is only because of how He has forgiven me. I am the poster child for forgiveness. If Jesus could forgive a wretch like me… I’ll love, love, love and forgive, forgive, forgive. I just am so thankful for His amazing grace.

I heard a pastor put it like this..."When we don’t forgive we end up being tortured. The worst prison in the world is the prison of an unforgiving heart. If we nurture feelings of bitterness we become inmates of an internal prison of our own construction."

So the next time someone cuts you off or ticks you off, or does you wrong (this is starting to sound like a bad country song), just remember a couple of things:

He forgave you with the only condition attached being that He would continue to LOVE on you for eternity (John 3:16).

If you choose to be angry or bitter you are handing yourself over to the enemy (Ephesians 4:27).
You don’t want to go there- really, unless you are into hot flashes of a mega magnitude.

Kidding aside- Just ask our sweet Holy Spirit to lead you- He can turn a prideful, bitter, revengeful heart into juicy fruit!

And another plus-juicy fruit will seriously save you from chronic high blood pressure, heartburn and a multitude of other health problems. It really will.

Praising Him-

The Measure of Success

Please make sure your volume is turned up on your computer and that the pop out player(scroll all the way to the bottom of this blog) is playing , This Little Light of Mine...this song is for you.

The measure of your success is not in an EOG it is G-O-D!!!
For those who are not familiar with EOG, it is NC’s end of grade test. And although this post is dedicated to all of the administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, parents and students who have experienced this test and all that comes with it… the truths here can be applicable to any situation or circumstance that results in you being at the end of your rope…job loss,financial stress, health problems, marriage problems, etc…

I have been receiving reports of children that passed the NC EOG miraculously and I have danced and thanked Him. Some were kids that were told they would be retained if they didn’t pass. Praise be to God for those miracles!!!!!

I have also had some of you share stories of tears and fears concerning teachers and students who have worked so hard throughout the year, trying their best to pass, only to come up short.
That’s tough- but it is not the end of HIS- story.

There are definitely consequences from taking Jesus out of our public schools. There is no doubt.
But -do not think God is punishing your efforts to do His work. That is not how He operates!!!

There is HOPE…

Eph 3:20 Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope for.

1Ti 4:10 We work hard and suffer much in order that people will believe the truth, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and particularly of those who believe.

I want to encourage those of us who still work in the public domain. You are in HIS harvest field.

I was reminded today, that not only is God the God of the mountain tops-but He is also the God of the bottom.

Read Deuteronomy 33:27. “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms….”
His arms are underneath you – even when you are at your lowest point.
His arms are underneath you!

After Jesus was resurrected- He gave us a command. Go and teach all nations… and then He gave you a promise. “I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” That means even in the public schools where He is not welcome. He has always done His best work where He has not been welcome. Think of Calvary!!!!!!

Have you loved them with His love? Have you been Jesus with skin on to your students this year. Have you planted kingdom seeds in their lives????

That is success the world doesn't know how to measure.

Little is much when God is in it!

Your worst day is loaded with benefits. Psalm 68:19. Pastor reminded us this morning of a couple in our church who were involved in a terrible car accident two years ago on the way to church that resulted in the death of their 16 year old son. Can you imagine? And yet Pastor  said he looks up and sees their daughter now- singing in the choir- and he knows how they are able to go on… even on our worst days, He loads us with benefits...He is our strength...He is more than enough.

Jesus can supernaturally bless your children, your students. He is the same today as He was yesterday and that He will be tomorrow. He is alive in you! That is supernatural power at your disposal to be used for His glory. Don’t stand defeated. Speak victory over your circumstance, over your children, over His plans for their lives. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN!!!!!!! You may not see their potential. The EOG may not show their potential- But I promise you who sees it- JESUS!!!!!!

Don’t let an EOG score determine their future- your God is bigger than that.

Now- this also needs to be a time for you to reflect- what could I do differently next year???
Ask Him.

I suggest you really get alone with Jesus- get in His word- spend some time listening. We are all, always being transformed. Be teachable. His way is always the best. There are always things to learn. Remember- He may tell you some things you don’t want to hear- but He always speaks in love- He will never cut you down- that is not Jesus speaking. Be careful who you listen to.

The good news is His mercy is great (Lamentations 3:22) and joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)!!!! He can cover and restore what you can’t. (Joel 2:21, 25-26). He is made strong in your weakness (2 Cor 12:9)- so soak in Him and all His goodness.

Now that is good news…go shine His light!!!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

What Matters Most

What an awesome night. Thank you all for coming and sharing your time with Him. The praise was rockin, the Truth spilling & He was in the house for sure! What a wonderful inhabitation. We cannot even imagine the fruit that will come from those intentional prayers!!!!!

I am trying to figure out how to post the PowerPoint- until I do- here is most of our corporate prayer :

We pray with a Matthew 17:20 believing spirit!
And Jesus said unto them, ... If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Lord we delight in you. We give you thanks in all things. We seek your Kingdom first. Help us to focus each day on what matters most. Matt 6:33
Lord I pray that you help us plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness in our lives. In our classrooms, our families and with our colleagues. James 3:18
Lord help us to really love these children that you have placed in our lives. Especially the least of these. Matt 25:40
Holy Spirit, you are attracted to our weakness. You teach all things, please use us and work through us. 2Cor 12:9 John 14:26
Help us to to fulfill your purpose in our lives as we walk in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the sweet Holy Spirit to share your good news. Acts 20:24, Acts 9:31
Lord I pray for each of our students to know who You are and for them to accept you as Lord of their lives. 1 John 2:2
Lord teach them to fear You. Proverbs 9:10
I pray for protection in each of their lives. I pray you assign angels to guard them, keep them in your ways, encamp around them .Psalm 91
I pray that your glory is revealed to them in a way they cannot miss. Exodus 24:17
I pray Lord for your sweet Holy Spirit to comfort them and for you to impart a peace that allows them to always do their best unto You (John 14:15-16).
I pray that no weapon formed against them will prosper. Isaiah 54:17
I pray that your plans for them will be realized in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
I rebuke and bind any ill spoken word towards them and cancel those words by the Blood of Calvary. Proverbs 18:21

You are awesome God- we thank You. We love you!
In agreement with sisters and brothers in Christ that love on children. AMEN

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This Is Not What I Ordered...

I served Selah her dinner about a week ago- and that is what she said. "This is not what I ordered". Not in an ugly way- she was sweet and sincere and had a respectful tone.

I served her some light turkey sausage(that's a hot dog at our house) and some corn. Her favorite. But she said, "This is not what I ordered. I wanted a broccoli taco."

OK-now I know. I need just to tell God- this is not what I ordered!!!!!!!

So- here it goes. And I have to be honest- as I am writing and praying, I am "crying my eyeballs off" as Selah would say.

Dear Jesus-
I am praying this with a sweet spirit. This is really not what I ordered. I am not angry. I know you love me. I know I am very blessed in so many ways. I thank you Jesus that my husband is so wonderful, that you have blessed us with two amazing girls. Thank you that my husband loves his job and that You have provided for us. Thank you Jesus.
But this is not what I ordered. I ordered to be south! Close to our families- close to my sweet mom. I want to be near her. Dad was just in the hospital- nothing major, but I couldn't be with him Jesus. I miss friends that you have knit me together with. I miss my church family- I miss them more than words and tears can describe.
Jesus, you know Skylar has close friends in two southern states- good kids that God placed in her life from wonderful families. Do you know how hard it is for a teenager to move in a span of two years? Yes you do , I know. I am reminded of all of the military families- my heart goes out to them. I know I need to appreciate the sacrifices those families make for our freedom- not just in battle- but in day to day living. Please Lord be with them.
We passed this moving test once. Please Lord- could I have what I ordered? And close proximity to a Harris Teeter or a Publix would be nice. Just kidding, kind of- a smiling, familiar face in at the grocery counter means a lot more to me now Jesus. Sorry I took that one for granted.

Jesus- I love you and I thank you that I can be real with you always. I know you love me too. You love us all so much! Thanks for all you do in spite of my shortfalls. And thank you for listening. I 'm so glad that you are always with me. Thank you sweet Holy Spirit for comforting me.
And thanks Jesus for reminding me, just now, what I ordered.
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
You are my Portion.
In your name I pray Jesus. Amen

If you are wondering if I gave in and fixed Selah a broccoli taco- I didn't. I can't remember if she ate her "hot dog" at this very moment- but I think she finally did.

It is a hard lesson for us to learn isn't- even as adults. Sometimes we don't get what we ordered, or what we think we ordered! Our loving Daddy in heaven is not trying to torture us. He loves us and knows what's best.

He tells us not to complain(Phil 2:14). You know why? It doesn't do you or anyone else around you any good. And it doesn't get you what you ordered. Talk to Him instead. He is a really good listener, I promise.

He tells us to rejoice (Phil 4:4)- always. Ok I am- but is it cool to rejoice with tears? Yes, He said. I know Jesus understands tears- He shed some for you and me one night in a garden. I can't forget those. You just don't need to let those tears take you away from His purpose...

He tells us that He is our strength (Psalm 18:2).

And- that if we are seeking Him- we will not miss Him (2 Chronicles 15:2)

He can use you anywhere.

He is everywhere
and He knows everything.

And He loves us with an incomprehensible love. His love for us is the driving force behind His every move and has been since before time began.

As our pastor reminded us- we are not on a cruise ship playing shuffle board. We are on a battle field. And if you are praying for the Lord to use you... sometimes it is not easy.

But Lord- I just want to tell you- I know it is worth it.

Praising Him and no longer crying my eyeballs off-jananne

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sweeter Than Honey

Psalm 119:103
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Now you know honey is sweet!

I have learned two things from my little Selah. One- everything is better drenched in honey. Everything. The other epiphany – just as important in her little world- all clothes must spin (but that is another post all together).

I just want to encourage you today. His Words are healing balm. Sweeter than anything this world has to offer.

Several years ago, my marriage was in real danger. My mother was diagnosed with the highest degree of cancer. I had a new job working about 60 hours a week and I had a small child. I had little hope.

One of my mentors, Kenny Jenkins, from Covenant Church in Greenville, shared with me that there were unclaimed promises in His Word. He told me to read the Word and God would reveal them to me.

We all walk through trials in this world. The Word does not say if, it says when!

“When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2
I had tried self help books- conferring with friends, secular counselors-focusing on the “positive”. All those avenues led me to the same place, they might have worked short term- but after awhile I was still a mess.

There is a blessed hope. (Titus 2:13).

Now, over ten years later- I can share that I have learned to stand on His Word, not on circumstances or opinions of well intentioned others. His Word will never fail you.

I know this. I have seen it manifested in our lives.

Here are a few of the promises I have realized through the power of His Word which is all powerful(Hebrew 4:12):

A peaceful habitation… Isaiah 32:18
Forgiveness …Luke 17:4, Col 3:13
A peace during severe storms and peace in just day to day living that is incomprehensible in the flesh...John 14:27
Healing from cancer, infertility, insecurity... 1 Peter 2:24, James 5:16… Luke 8:47, Psalm 37:4
Deliverance from addictions! ...Matt 17:20-21
Deliverance from fear… Mark 5:36
Protection …Psalm 28:7, Psalm 91
Power over the enemy …Luke 10:19
Development of faith …Luke 12:28
Assurance that it is all right, even when all things are not right!...Mark 4:37-41

I could go on and on!!! He is your ever present help Psalm 46:1!

There is no other explanation – He is sovereign, His Word is powerful! Read it and see- taste the sweetness that is sweeter than honey!
BEE drenched in the Word!

Praising Him-jananne

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Glory to Glory

Glory to Glory
2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Going from glory to glory requires leaving glory.

God never closes one door without opening another door, but as my pastor has shared, it's hell in the hallway!

I am learning that going through something doesn't mean necessarily that the devil is messing with you- God just might be up to something. Have you been craving more of His presence in your life? Hold on, chances are there is a breaking coming.

Pastor Ricardo recently shared insight into a scripture that immediately connected with my spirit. In Matthew 14:16-21, Jesus told the disciples to feed the crowd. He first blessed the bread and then He BROKE the bread. There was a breaking before the sending, before the miracle. We like to live in the blessing, it is not so fun to be broken.

I want to encourage you today if you are broken or you are in the process of breaking. There is hope. There is supernatural Superglue! He will put you back together again in a miraculous way if you will let Him. This season you are going through has a purpose. It is so you (and I) will be changed into His image.

I want to be real- it is not an easy thing to go through and all hell may come against you because the enemy knows that the Kingdom is advancing when there is brokenness. You may be tempted to crawl into bed and stay there. You may hear the enemy whispering things- your life is over, your marriage is over,your children's future is ruined, you'll never..., your best days are over.

Now it is time to party- when you hear those lies- RECOGNIZE the enemy and start whirling the Word back...

No weapon formed against my family will prosper. I know you have plans for us and I pray that each one is fulfilled. I will be thankful in all things. Shake those things from me that are not of You! You know how I should act and think Lord- reign in my mind. I know you are there. I know you will never leave me. I know you will rescue me. I pray you are glorified. I praise you Lord!You are the source of my joy! Isaiah 54:17. Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews12:27, 1Thessalonians 5:18, Job 12:13,Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 107:28-29

Please surround yourself with Jonathan friends that don't feed into your carnal fears.

I recommend fasting and prayer during this season. Remember fasting is all about getting closer to God- aligning our will, with His perfect will and living in His presence.

Leaving Georgia was hard- arriving to NJ was harder. I don't know why we are here in NJ- but we are and I have two choices. I can be depressed and concentrate on the dozen or so low end hotels and two major highways that are right across the street from our home here in NJ, while I reflect about our church I miss so much, our friends I miss so much, and remember the cows, goats and rolling hills that surrounded us in GA,


I can think about the opportunities God has for us here.

I have to be intentional.

God shares with us in Psalm 51 that He wants our thanks- He has mine. He wants His promises fulfilled in our lives. Whew- we are on the same page! And then He adds, I want you to call me in your times of trouble so I can rescue you and you can give me glory!

Call on Him.

I want to share one personal story that gives Him glory. We have survived two job losses this year- TWO. We have been blessed during this past year in ways I cannot even describe. The entire family has definitely grown closer to Jesus- no doubt! We, despite two job loses have paid off debt and my husband has a new, used car that is paid for. God has been intentional to place some solid Christian friends in our lives. He has strengthened relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ, despite miles that may separate us. Blessings, blessings, blessings.

Then, at the end of the 2008, we were hit with news of an appraisal for our house in GA that was $77,000 dollars less than we paid for it. Our builder in GA had apparently gone under during our relocation process. This would result in a balance of $27,000 owed to the bank if we accepted the buy out from the relocation company. We were told that there was little hope that anything else could be done. We also had to come up with another house payment, in addition to the rent in NJ(which by the way is much higher than our house payment in GA), until everyone involved figured out what to do. We are living in different times my friends- but that is another post, another day. This was the second month we were making a rent payment and a house payment. As you can imagine- things didn't look good. Were we literally facing fore closer or bankruptcy- what is this going to do to the girls future???

But I was reminded- our God is still in the miracle business. He is supernatural. I called my prayer partner mom and along with her faith filled prayers, I literally cried out to Him last Tuesday night- more like a scream- Jesus, I know you are there- I know you have plans for us and I pray that they are fulfilled. Help us- we are at the end of our rope- we need you! I have faith that you will fix this. I thanked Him and then my family and I went to an amusement park- right down the street(yes, we are surrounded by hotels, discount liquor stores, a toll station, bus stop, gas station, truck stop and an amusement park!!!) We had a wonderful evening. I did not let the enemy trick me.

I will tell you that prayer was answered last night in a way that only could be God. Didn't come in the form of a family gift...or a lottery ticket. He is our lottery ticket! He has taken care of our financial needs concerning the rent and the house payment duo! He is an on time God.

Make sure you call on Him. Glory is coming!