Saturday, September 21, 2013


Wrote this months ago- forgot to post. Actually, I needed this reminder today. Thank You Jesus!

I am a freak. A thankful freak. A forgiven freak. A full of Joy freak. An unafraid freak. An abnormal freak- that is pretty freaky.

Sunday on the way to church Selah asked me if she could do something- I said no. She said, But "so in so" can. I said, On judgement day, I won't have to answer to "so in so". I will answer to Jesus for the covering that I provided for your journey.

I was reminded yesterday- Moses' parents were not afraid to hide him. That is what is says in Hebrews. Blessed my socks off. Wish Selah could have heard the confirmation!!!! When it comes to my kids I will not conform. I am a freak. I warned you. He made me that way and I am so thankful. Partially because I am much forgiven. I am the wretch that was saved. And let me give a little disclaimer- I think God leads us to be freaky in different ways concerning our children. What might not be right for one child or family- may be acceptable for another- at least in your specific point in your Jesus journey. He is the transformer, as long as you are listening to His voice and not your own. Yes there are certain Kingdom absolutes, I'm not arguing that. Seeking His best, His direction, His nudge will never disappoint. Now you may feel a little freaky- a little set apart or abandoned by the in crowd. That's alright. The crowd thins at the cross.

Butter Cream Caramel Chocolates

This past week, my husband was in a car accident and a dear friend sent him some chocolates to bless him. Of course, my little Selah had to sample a piece or two. She really never has been much of a chocolate lover like her mama- but she tasted her first, in her words,"butter cream caramel chocolate".

She begged me to find more.

I couldn't find them- so I gave her some Rolos, hoping that would be close in enough.

I told her that soon, she would have the opportunity to love on some kids in the community. She said- no, I'm good. I'll stay home.

It was one of those moments when Jesus stepped in and seriously took over- so I thought I would share.

So, still holding the Rolos, I said, " Selah- if I offered you a bag of chocolates and you had never tasted them, you would probably pass them up, right?" 'Cause she is one of the pickiest most selective eaters, on the planet.

Yes mom.
But you got a taste, and now you want more.
Yes, please mom!

Well- if we never show people the real love of Jesus,  they will not want more. They will not even know that He is worth wanting more of...

That's why it is important for us to show people, genuine love- cause that is Who Jesus is. We have to tell them about the purest love that has ever been. The LOVE that sent His Son to the earth. The love that allowed Jesus, to die for our sins. The Love that enabled GRACE POWER to resurrect our Savior from the grave, so that we could spend eternity with Him in Glory!

The Love that is our Refuge. Our provider, Our strength. Our shield. Our healer. Our Hope.

Now that is something worth tasting. 'Cause HE IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!!!!

Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD... Psalm 34:8. We got to give out samples- kinda like they do at Sam's.

Amen? Amen.

And lots of folks are asking about Gene. There is no other explanation for him still being in one piece, except that Jesus must still have some chocolates for him to share...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Blue Light Special

Blue lights behind me last night…
I glance down. Not speeding.

I’m on the phone with one of my best buds, Tonya.
I hang up on her.

Blue lights. Yes, definitely trying to pull me over.

I take off my seat belt to reach my driver’s license in my purse on the floor. Oh golly, miss molly, why did I take off my seat-belt? Why, why, why???

God help me. I pass out in situations like this. HELP ME LORD.

State Trooper approaches.  Oh Lord, help me for real. There are TWO STATE TROOPER VEHICLES BEHIND ME.

Good evening sir. Was I speeding? I never speed. My husband wouldn’t even believe me if I told him I got a speeding ticket. A little verbal diarrhea going on here…

Oh no mam. Your lights weren’t on, it's drizzling and getting dark. A little foggy. Just want you to keep safe this weekend.


Thank you sir for caring. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. As I grabbed his hand and prayed for him. I was so thankful, I didn’t want to let him go! He was probably a little freaked out at this point, just sayin'.

Where are you going mam?

I’m on my way home.

Ok- Keep your lights on.

His message- I sincerely believe from the throne zone, KEEP YOUR LIGHTS ON! It is drizzling, getting dark out there, and a little foggy.

To be honest, I didn’t even see the fog.

It wasn’t even all that dark.

I usually keep my lights on auto. That's where they belong my husband tells me. He's right.

That State Trooper spoke in love, and gave me a verbal warning. And I received it- a little deeper probably than he intended.

Keep your lights on, shining brightly- as you are traveling home.

Direction, protection, projection, revelation.

Only Him.

Got it. Love You Lord.

And Tonya… I called her back! Nothing like a conversation filled with laughs, Jesus and blue lights!

Isaiah 60:19 The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.