Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Mama Nailed the Windows Shut

When I was growing up my mama nailed the windows in my bedroom shut, not so much because she was scared I would sneak out- but she didn’t want anybody sneaking in!!!  

Well- she did her best, but unfortunately, a lot snuck in.  She taught me right, but I did wrong!

In my heart, I was not surrendered to Jesus- nor did I comprehend the love He had for me, nor did I know anything about the power of the Holy Spirit or even that He existed…  I made a lot of bad choices. A lot.

I wanted things to be different for my daughter…

In our culture, waiting until you are eighteen to date or court is not common. Saving your kiss until you have found your prince doesn’t happen much.

No, in this bachelor-bachelorette driven society (I was right there with ‘em- I’m not judging, just sayin’….) it  is not the norm. Choose your favorite flavor then change your mind- cause it is all about YOU…or not.

It is weird, strange and peculiar that girls and guys wait. Really for anything. Whether it’s a donut, or a cheeseburger or a relationship. We are all in it for instant gratification. We want it now and we want it hot!!!!! Think Krispy Kreme…

Now- from the start. Let me share that I am now a bonafide, freak, of the Jesus kind and make no apologies for that. Your beliefs may be different. I am not the judge-  my Daddy Jesus is, I’ll leave that to Him. I love Him and respect Him more than words can express.  I have seen His life transforming power in my life.  So- now you know where I am coming from and you can choose to read on if you would like.

We are raising our daughters to court instead of date. There are lots of books on the subject of courting- but starting very, very early, I shared with my oldest that she was a rare treasure, a peculiar treasure. I shared that someday, she would be married to a wonderful, God fearing, God loving man and he would want her whole heart and her whole body. Not just pieces. I told her that every time she gave her heart away- it would stay and that she needed to guard it carefully, prayerfully.

We dreamed together of her wedding day- how special it would be to give her heart to her husband with Jesus at the very center! They would become one and do great Kingdom things together! 

We talked often about how to keep her heart and actions pure.

This meant as parents, we had a job to do and it wasn’t a normal one.



We did not let Skylar mingle in mixed company, without an adult for a long time! She was 17 before she was able to go, IN A GROUP, with mixed company anywhere without an adult.

I always checked at parties to make sure adults would be with the kids.

Only on 3 occasions was she allowed to ride a lone in the car with the opposite sex. These were all very close friends- but not boyfriends and the circumstances warranted the ride. I remember a young adult male sharing with us after I told him she couldn’t ride with him that he was thankful, “I wish my mom and dad had cared that much for me. I probably wouldn’t have done some of the things I regret now.”

Yes- even movies had to be group events and a parent had to be there. When we moved to NJ a group asked her to go to a corn maze. An older teen church leader was going to be there- but not an adult I personally knew. She didn’t go.

It was not always easy for her. At times it was down- right hard and horrible.

There was a time she deeply cared about a young man but THEY( my hat’s off to him too), prayed and fasted and both got a red light from the Lord. I remember them both crying- but they didn’t have the nod from God so they didn’t move forward.

There was one other gentleman she was fond of- but Jesus was in that too. Sometimes rejection is His mighty hand of protection- because He has something else in mind!!!!!!

In September of last year, she had the opportunity to meet a young man she had been praying for. They had so much in common. Both had very similar callings. They both wanted to go into ministry, specifically missions. He shared that a family member of his lived in panama and had helped a village…Skylar saw Him through the eyes of her Savior.

BUT, the two couldn’t court or date. Too long to get into here, but they fell in love across church chairs over  a period of 10 months,  patiently waiting for His timing. I don’t think I could have done it!!!

A look- a prayer, many Scriptures prayed over each other, time for them both to mature solo in their relationships with Jesus… but no contact- except with their Daddy Jesus. Fasting, prayer, praise…hope.

And suddenly God started revealing His plan for them to court and to begin to carry out His kingdom come.

At 18 and a few months my daughter had her first date. He came in, I took lots of pictures, of course, and as a family we prayed!!!

This sweet prince, surrendered to the cross and filled with the Holy Spirit was worth the wait….you see, His Daddy is a KING- so he really is a prince and she really is a princess!!!!

When the King is in it, things are not normal. It is peculiar….and that is just the way this mama prayed it would be.

I can’t live seeking the approval of man- I just want to please my Savior. I don’t always get it right- but He knows our hearts and seeking Him…you just can’t go wrong. 

Things might not always be easy or comfortable, you may be misunderstood or even persecuted.  But praying His Kingdom come, His will be done  and following His leading, His peace will NEVER disappoint.

Update-God has and will always allow, love to be a choice.  If something doesn't work out, that doesn't mean it wasn't God purposed. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. His ways will always be higher than ours and individuals always have choices. We just have to trust God- always, He really will never disappoint! This courtship did not end the way we thought it would- but God, I believe honored my daughter's heart for HIm and provided her with the very BEST for her journey!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Choking on a doorknob...

Long ago, when my daddy was a little boy, he was picking blackberries and noticed a huge snake lying in the blackberry shrub branches overhead. He ran as fast as he could, got a hoe and cut the snake wide open. Dad was surprised to find a porcelain doorknob in the snake’s belly!

His neighbor had placed an oval, white porcelain, doorknob in the hen’s nest so the hen would lay more eggs or know where to lay them( I am not a farm girl- but I think that is somewhat accurate).

That snake came and got that egg…I mean doorknob, right out from under that hen without her even noticing! It was so slick- so sly, it thought it had taken her young chicken!

How can that happen? I mean- she is sitting right on her egg- doorknob thingy and she doesn’t feel a six foot snake slither under her and take her baby?  Really?

The Word says that our adversary has come to kill, steal and destroy.

He, the devil, the big snake himself, has a tendency to go after what means the most to us.

Remember he is deceiver, but we belong to TRUTH.

The devil is not so crafty. Not so smart. Nope. Not at all. The deceiver had been deceived. Swallowed a knob and not an egg.

Hear me mamas and papas. The devil cannot take what is yours unless you give him permission. And I know you won’t. You may even get snake bit in the process but don’t stop feeding the fire which is eternal! Keep pressing in with prayer. Fast, pray and praise like never before!!!!

Remember that the devil has been disarmed and an open display was made of that on the cross of Calvary!! Colossians 2:15

He may think he has succeeded, but he will end up disappointed because you and your chickens, I mean children are covered by the Anointing- which is a fancy way of saying the power and presence of God through Jesus Christ and His Spirit!

The devil cannot destroy what Jesus knit together.

Us chicken mamas got to stick together. Got to stay focused. Stay alert. We are the keepers of the home. And even if we get a surprise attack- our prayers, His presence and our confessions of His Word over our kid's lives will have covered our baby chicks.

Recently, without going into details, one of my eggs, ahem, chicks- were threatened. A serious, war time threat. This mama had already been told by our sweet, one of a kind Holy Spirit to speak Psalm 91 over her chicks the week before.  I look back and thank God that He really does go before us. I remember thinking- this is kinda silly, things are going so well, why do I need to speak Psalms 91 over my girls??? So glad I did. Thank You Jesus for Your prompting!

This was a surprise attack- out of nowhere. My family was dressed in the battle gear of Ephesians 6 from head to toe. Seriously serving and pursuing His will in our daily steps. Joy filling the atmosphere. I was living in thanks- so much so I had tears of serious joy rolling most of the day…

And  then whap.
The snake.
The attack.

But I was prepared and I continued on. Not even believing what was going on around me. Somehow Jesus got my heart beating again- because I’m pretty sure it stopped a few times. I shared with only a few folks who are Spirit filled, Word believing, Jesus marching saints what was going on. This is so important. The world doesn’t need to know all your business. I couldn’t afford to give the devil any more ammunition. I needed life speaking sisters who would pray believing for His best.

I got encouragement. I received revelation and strength.  

Restoration- that’s what my Carpenter Daddy is famous for.

And the attack- well, I am certain the devil choked on that porcelain egg.

My chicks are safe and in His care.
And we are marching on towards the prize.For HIS GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Fear Factor

The fear factor-I hear it's back. We haven't had television in awhile, but I remember their hook, "Do you have what it takes to face your fears?"

Sooner or later, you and I will be faced with that question...when we go through...not if, the Word says Isaiah43:2.

A friend asked me last night for any thoughts I had on fear. Wow. Yes. actually, currently God has been teaching me a lot about fear…

We have two primary actions…some may say emotions,but every action we walk out comes from either fear or love.

We know that God is love. Jesus tells us that we are to love as He loves. His perfect love casts out all fear.

So- why are we afraid? Why do we walk one step in worry, anger, jealously, envy, hate? All rooted in fear.

I have heard pastors share that sometimes fear is "false evidence appearing real".

Sometimes it is.

Other times it is very real evidence...

Living with abuse, a doctor’s report, cancer that has invaded the Lord’s territory. A tragic accident. Betrayal- your spouse had an affair…your husband deserts you with absolutely no warning signs. A job loss. Physical pain that will not go away…even though you have faith in Your Healer, Jesus Christ. A child dies. A spouse dies….all of these mentioned have occurred in the lives of those I love in just the past year alone.

These circumstances are REAL. THEY HURT.

How do we walk in love during these real circumstances?

I am convinced that it begins with a choice and a clear understanding of Who has authority over His Kingdom and His children!

God’s will is not always carried out here on earth. We live in a world that for the most part is far removed from His presence. But that doesn't leave us hopeless- because our Savior already has the VICTORY!He is our HOPE!

I witnessed and heard a brutal rape a few years ago. To make it even worse a young child was present. I physically froze. You know those dreams you have and you can’t move…well that was me- at least physically. The only part of my body that could move was my mouth and the Spirit took that over. I have no idea what I was praying- if I didn’t fully believe in speaking in tongues before that night, I sure did at that moment. The police showed up within a few minutes.

Only by His Spirit was I able to live out that moment in love and not fear. That was supernatural. All I can say is that I begin my day asking for His Spirit to lead me according to Galations 5. I get dressed in my battle gear and only then am I ready for the day.

Sometimes...fear is very False Evidence Apprearing Real. Just recently my youngest daughter was experiencing chest pains. Like turn pale, headache-grab chest kinda pains. Long story short, we were referred to a cardiologist. I knew it wasn’t her heart. I had already chosen not to walk this out in fear. For the next few days the devil put everything he could think of in my path to change my faith into fear. She started asking me questions about heaven and dying young…out of the blue, and she had NO idea that she even had an appt with a cardiologist. I didn’t even mention it to her! We went to the library and as we walked into the kids section, there appeared a book about a kid with heart issues… and I could go on and on… Turns out, Selah has a strong, vibrant 100% healthy heart! The ultrasound was just confirmation.

When we are faced with the unexpected, we must reckon with our flesh that is so prone to act in fear and establish by His power and His Word that we will take captive in obedience to Jesus Christ, EVERY THOUGHT AND EMOTION!!!!!! 2 Corinthians 10:5. And STAND believing that He will give you His peace that passes all understanding.
A heart controlled by fear is toxic and leads to all kinds of diseases and unhealthy relationships. We must guide our mind, will and emotionswith His Word and His truth! God has given us peace(Psalm 91:1, John14:27).
I've found that staying away from quick fixes- soft addictions (continuously living on facebook, hours hooked to a tv and “un-reality” shows), venting constantly horizontally, especially with folks that feed your fears!!! etc… helps keep my mind on good things (Philippians 4:8-9).

And consider purging your house of anything dark. Get rid of it if it is even questionable. Nother post, nother day- but I thought I would mention.

Spend some serious time alone with Him. In His Word…singing praises to Him…being still….listening to Him.

Worshiping throughout every moment with a thanks in your heart and on your mouth. In all things I will give thanks! He promises when we do- His peace will guard our hearts Phil 4:7.
Rocky has his theme song… I have one to- it is Revelations 21:5!!!!!! And I speak that He makes all things new according to His Word!

I’ve recently had two mammograms come back questionable- an MRI scheduled for Monday. I can honestly say, by His grace power- I have walked this out knowing that He is enough no matter what.

If we are in a situation and don’t know what to do, He has given us a teacher- His sweet Holy Spirit is there waiting- has promised to teach us all things- just ask. He will show up!

You know, at the end of the day- there is our Promise. We have such a gift in Jesus- eternity with Him. If that is settled- then it is all, already gonna be alright.

Love you all. Praying for you. Send me prayer requests- I’ll agree with you!

Scriptures to speak: Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 41:10, Proverbs 3:25-26, 2 Timothy 1:7

Selah's lipstick...the stain that remains


Previously shared with my NJ sisters at their Spring retreat 2011

It was Good Friday and Selah wanted to wear her new dress to our communion service…

I asked her NOT to get her new “lipstick” on her dress (her favorite shade- red as a rose).

I looked down as we were worshiping and saw IT. A huge oil mark on her new dress from her “red as a rose” lipstick. Well- I almost threw a fuss, yes, right there in church- and even worse- it was Good Friday and we were about to take communion...


What was God saying to me…

Number one-He wants the oil stain to remain!!!!!

And I’m not talking Wesson……when His oil gets on you- it stains! You are marked and set apart. Because we are under the blood- we are anointed with His Spirit.

Anointed- being set apart for His purpose, to be endowed with enabling gifts and grace, being filled with His Spirit. (2 Cor 1:21-22, 2 Cor 12:4,7-11, James 4:6)

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us, is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NKJV)

Ephesians 5:18 shares that He wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit to influence others for the Kingdom.

His Kingdom comes through us…as we remain stained by the oil of our sweet Holy Spirit!

He tells us in Acts 1:8, you will receive My grace power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you then you will be My witness in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth! We gotta operate in the power supply of His oil!

I desire to walk in His anointing!

Lord please stain me with Your anointing! Your Spirit- Your glory- soak me, saturate me in who You are …leave a stain that remains! In recent battles, I encountered so many Kingdom warriors that continuously had a bountiful eye- always looking to be a blessing! Prov 22:9.

I saw the stain of our sweet Holy Spirit in others.

I had an acquaintance(now a close sister friend), who did not know last year that my husband was in between jobs. She dumped out her pocket book one day and told me that the Lord told her to do it. One day after home school group I found food in my front seat- still don't know how that happened because my car was locked and I had the keys with me! God is good!

Another friend gave us a gas card, just when our tank was empty. Still another friend sent me a card with Psalm 100 written on it- and a $100 bill.…

God placed mighty women in my life who spoke life over me when there was not much of me left! They were oil stained!

You can speak the Word of God- but without His Spirit being in it- you can beat somebody up with the Word.

Satan used the Word….but he didn’t have the anointing! There was no power.

In Genesis the Spirit moved, God spoke and there was life. It is the same today. The Holy Spirit must be in the equation. When we feed on His Word and soak in His anointing we are power filled! Ready for action!

When we are under the control of the Spirit, our prayer life is transformed, and we pray with the heart and vision of a righteous man (James 5:16).

When the Holy Spirit is in control, we are of the same mind with God. We are humble before God and man (Phil. 2:1-8).

When we are filled with the Spirit, we have the mind and thus the attitude of Christ (Phil. 2:5).

We reproduce His likeness (Gal: 5:22-23).

When we are under the influence of God’s presence, nothing really matters but Jesus Christ.

For if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25).

Living, walking in the Spirit is the opposite of your will or your flesh. We have the Grace power to reckon with our flesh and tell it that Jesus now has the authority in our lives! Roman 6:11

“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” (Galatians 6:8).

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:13,14).

Saturated in oil for your light to shine- just like an oil lamp!- Purpose filled light!

For You will light my lamp Psalm 18:28

And most importantly...point number two... there is supernatural stain removal with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

His blood won every battle you will ever be in. If you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior - HE HAS WASHED THE SIN STAIN AWAY and the power of death has no hold on you!

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain- He washed it white as snow.

Heb 10:19 And by the blood of Jesus we have boldness to be in His presence!!!!!

So go soak in His presence- take a sweet Holy Spirit oil bath!!! Love you all- praying for each of you!