Sunday, May 24, 2009

Momma in Hot Rod Saved by Fruit

There are times when we don’t feel like being Christ- like. Maybe someone has been inconsiderate. Maybe someone has been unreasonable. Maybe just downright mean. Maybe deceitful.
But Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek (Matt 5:39). Esteem others more than yourself (Phil 2:3).
Sometimes being like Jesus calls us to do crazy things- like showing genuine love for someone who has hurt you or someone you love. Notice I didn’t say- throw them a fake smile- pretend like you like them- tolerate them-be nice in front of them- He said- LOVE- so if He is living inside me- then I will love them. I don’t know how- it is Him- His supernatural power.

The alternative is revenge.

Keeping it real, I got cut-off today in NJ traffic. Really cut-off. Like, I must still have something to do for Jesus cut off- because there is no other explanation for me or my car still being in one piece.
And at first- it was a “how could you” feeling- and then I almost slipped into I’m going to get them- yea right, can you picture me, with my hot rod Kia mini-van chasing down someone on the NJ turnpike??? Not exactly a mafia ride!!!
And then- I kid you not- I heard- “Do not revenge, but love (Lev 19:18). Not revenge, but blessing. (1 Peter3:9).
So I prayed- and not for them to get a ticket-OK, I thought about it- but I prayed for peace to reign in their hearts and for protection.
He calls us to love- even our enemies (Luke 6:35).
He commands us to do well in the sight of all men (Romans 12:17). This doesn’t translate into co-dependency- but rather Jesus pleasing.

I think it is partially a matter of trust. So many times I have really messed up putting my trust into another human. His word clearly states- TRUST IN ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART(Prov 3:5). Well- there is not another part left to trust with if all your heart is trusting Him. Remember- He is in the boat (Mark 4:37-41)!

And partially a matter of self-control, rather, His control. Anger only gives territory to the devil. If I find myself getting angry- I breathe in and out and just keep seeking the Lord- keep praying that I want Jesus to renew my mind and give me a clean heart(Psalm 51:10.) Only He can do that. I can’t even do that. He is the fruit producer!

But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Galatians 5:22).

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation--those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God. Philippians 1:11

I promise you don’t want any bitter roots growing in you- God likens an angry man to a city without walls (Pr 25:28).

I trust Him to fight my battles- He calls me to love.
I trust Him to fill the voids- to heal the hurts of angry car drivers- He calls me to love.
I trust Him to protect- He calls me to love.

There was a time in my marriage which I didn’t like my husband and He didn’t like me- can anyone relate??? I was a controlling snob- He had a major drinking problem. My Christian counselor told me that I needed to make my husband- the leader of our family. What came next shocked me. I said, “He doesn’t deserve it.” He said- doesn’t matter- you put all your trust in the Lord and love your husband. God will do the rest. AND GUESS WHAT-HE DID!!!!!!

Wow- He calls me to love.

I have had folks (that is southern for people) ask me- how do you forgive so freely?? I've had a few really good mentor forgivers- my mom being one.

And then there is JESUS! It is only because of how He has forgiven me. I am the poster child for forgiveness. If Jesus could forgive a wretch like me… I’ll love, love, love and forgive, forgive, forgive. I just am so thankful for His amazing grace.

I heard a pastor put it like this..."When we don’t forgive we end up being tortured. The worst prison in the world is the prison of an unforgiving heart. If we nurture feelings of bitterness we become inmates of an internal prison of our own construction."

So the next time someone cuts you off or ticks you off, or does you wrong (this is starting to sound like a bad country song), just remember a couple of things:

He forgave you with the only condition attached being that He would continue to LOVE on you for eternity (John 3:16).

If you choose to be angry or bitter you are handing yourself over to the enemy (Ephesians 4:27).
You don’t want to go there- really, unless you are into hot flashes of a mega magnitude.

Kidding aside- Just ask our sweet Holy Spirit to lead you- He can turn a prideful, bitter, revengeful heart into juicy fruit!

And another plus-juicy fruit will seriously save you from chronic high blood pressure, heartburn and a multitude of other health problems. It really will.

Praising Him-