I saw the most beautiful lily pads when we were in Florida this summer- A wonderful example of how God is in the details! If you ever see a pond without lily pads you will know it- it will more than likely be covered in algae, a yucky muck. Lilies act as a biological water filter. They also provide shade for the fish swimming in the hot sun. Lilies oxygenate the water, which is important for pond fish and other pond creatures. Not to mention they are beautiful.
And while we were gazing at this beautiful pond of lilies l saw a little frog “be-laxing” as Selah would say on the lily pad and then jump off and swim under for protection.
And the Lord whispered… I am your covering… I provide protection, rest, I give you breath… I am your filter… I am your hiding place…
I love to be reminded of His goodness and seek Him in the ordinary. The very breath of God in you...can you wrap your brain around that? Job 33:4, Isaiah 42:5
I was also reminded how life was without His covering- and how life can be when we try to do it on our own. Frogs, I mean friends…we have to hang out in the pond with the lily pad! He has provided everything we need and in Him, there is peace- lily pad peace!
The issue is that we frogs put our trust in other things! We cover ourselves with the things of this world… maybe we turn to alcohol, self help books (I have read everyone that was published prior to 1998),we seek other frogs that feed into our fears rather than point us to our covering…we over eat,we under eat, we shop till we drop… and I am just mentioning some of the things THIS frog did to self medicate… there are many other ways to cover yourself in algae!
The issue is this…these other things are only temporary and Jesus is extra- ordinary! His covering will never leave you, He will protect you, heal you, give you peace, rest, and restoration with His very breath…He will give you a new life…whew- that’s good news!
And when trouble and tragedy arrives in your pond- you can always count on Him to be there. Always. He doesn’t put you on hold. He never forgets to return your call. Ever.
You just have to choose to trust in Him.
I tried it on my own for a long time. I just about, literally wore myself out. I didn’t know I had such an awesome covering. Such a hiding place.
Pastor Kevin, our NJ pastor recently shared an illustrated message about Jacob wrestling with God(Gen 32). Jacob said- I’m not going to let you go until you bless me. This has always been one of my favorite accounts because I have wrestled with God too! I want Your blessing God!
What touched my spirit, was when Pastor Kevin explained that as they were wrestling…God hit Jacob's flesh…when He did- Jacob…fell into His arms. Visualize that for a second...
God said… “What is your name?…” “Jacob”(as if God didn’t know, Jacob was probably thinking)…No- God said.. “Your name is now Israel…”
No longer named Jacob- which means schemer, manipulator. God’s blessing, the punch in the flesh- which represents our attachment to the world, our own sinful ways and desires,our "try to do it on our own mentality" …caused Jacob to fall into the arms of the Father with a new name!!!
That is so good to me! Fall into His arms. Accept His covering- stop trying to do this thing called life on your own. We are new creations in Christ…with a new name…a new inheritance…
I don't want to put my faith and trust into myself or anything other than Jesus. I don't want to be covered with algae!
Check this out:
Deuteronomy 32:37-39 (King James Version)
37And he shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted,
38Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.
None of our efforts can measure up to the protection of the Father's arms... He is our lily pad and more!
"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says GOD,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"
Psalm 91:14-16 The Message