My mom doesn't have a Facebook- but she does have a Faithbook!!! And she puts Words from it on her "wall"!
Not sure how many Facebookers I'm sharing with today- I said I would never, never, never get a Facebook...well. It's true. Don't ever say never, ever.
Cause I got one.
But I was reminded the other day as I read my mother's "wall" in her house that even better than Facebook- which I am truly enjoying, there is a Faithbook called the BIBLE that we need to check in with even more often than Facebook!!!!
Every answer, every truth, every bit of hope...every is all there, in your Faithbook!
Jesus is our personal trainer! And He has given us the best instructions and encouragement available. And you don't have to have big bucks to hire Him!!! He is available 24/7!!!!!
I travel in my car with a small Bible... I want His Word everywhere my feet trod and my wheels roll! And this trainee does a lot of rolling.
My daughter's dear friend, Rebecca gave her the idea of putting key Scriptures on colored index cards to hand to friends as encouragement. Staples has the cutest index card holders that fit right in your purse.
I've already shared with some that my friend, Tonya, gave me the idea to keep a spiral index card book handy with key verses. I print mine on shipping labels- just the right size for an index card and that way I share them with friends.
And my mom, who is my faith mentor...keeps His Word, literally on her wall!
Did you know you can write with a dry erase marker on glass? Like on your good morning mirror??
One of my favorite Scriptures, "Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, For I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, For to You I lift up my soul... Psalm 143
Wake up to that each morning!!!!!! I love it!!!! Going to go write it on my mirror!
Praising Him for my Faithbook!love- jananne