Recently my friend Maryann, shared pictures of her family on a recent camping trip to the Sequoias. When I saw the picture of her son- resting soundly on the rock, I thought...how could he be comfortable???? He must just be worn out!
I was reminded of the account of Jacob(Gen 28)...who, leaving a dry place (Beer-sheba), slept on a rock- symbolizing Christ. That is when he dreamed, saw the gate of Heaven and God at the top of the ladder and received the Covenant promise that ALL families of the earth be blessed (Gen 28:14)!!!!
We have to rest on the Rock. It makes no sense to find comfort in a "hard" place. But when we are going through stuff- that Rock is our only hope.
Are you in a hard place? Are you worn out? Sick and tired of being sick and tired! Do things look hopeless?
Rest on the rock. That means being real with Him. He knows it all anyway- so go ahead and lay it at His feet, tears and all. Stop trying to fix things yourself, it will never work.
Jacob had manipulated situations for so long- trying to accomplish things in the flesh- his way. He had to get to a place where he was out of schemes...an uncomfortable place.
The greatest dreams God gives us come from the hardest times in our lives. We never get a revelation of the supernatural as long as things in life are easy. He shared that if you hang in there, the awful place becomes the awesome place!!!!
The hardest place can become the place you find rest in Him and where Covenant promises are revealed!
Pray this prayer (or something like it):
Lord I thank You for who You are. Please forgive me for trying to do things my own way. You know it all- You are sovereign. I want to rest on the Rock. I want to be aware of Your majesty in every aspect of my life. I want Your plans, Your promises for my life and Your purpose fulfilled. I lay _________ ( you fill in the blank-hurts, problems, sadness, sickness, disappointments etc...) at Your feet. I know You are big enough to handle it. I put my trust in You, for surely You are with me (Matthew 28:20) and I know if I put my trust in you and not in my flesh You have promised to direct me(Proverbs 3:5-6). In Your name I pray Jesus. AMEN
You are blessed in Jesus name! Praising Our King Today-love, jananne
(photo used with permission- thanks Maryann!)