The fear factor-I hear it's back. We haven't had television in awhile, but I remember their hook, "Do you have what it takes to face your fears?"
Sooner or later, you and I will be faced with that question...when we go through...not if, the Word says Isaiah43:2.
A friend asked me last night for any thoughts I had on fear. Wow. Yes. actually, currently God has been teaching me a lot about fear…
We have two primary actions…some may say emotions,but every action we walk out comes from either fear or love.
We know that God is love. Jesus tells us that we are to love as He loves. His perfect love casts out all fear.
So- why are we afraid? Why do we walk one step in worry, anger, jealously, envy, hate? All rooted in fear.
I have heard pastors share that sometimes fear is "false evidence appearing real".
Sometimes it is.
Other times it is very real evidence...
Living with abuse, a doctor’s report, cancer that has invaded the Lord’s territory. A tragic accident. Betrayal- your spouse had an affair…your husband deserts you with absolutely no warning signs. A job loss. Physical pain that will not go away…even though you have faith in Your Healer, Jesus Christ. A child dies. A spouse dies….all of these mentioned have occurred in the lives of those I love in just the past year alone.
These circumstances are REAL. THEY HURT.
How do we walk in love during these real circumstances?
I am convinced that it begins with a choice and a clear understanding of Who has authority over His Kingdom and His children!
God’s will is not always carried out here on earth. We live in a world that for the most part is far removed from His presence. But that doesn't leave us hopeless- because our Savior already has the VICTORY!He is our HOPE!
I witnessed and heard a brutal rape a few years ago. To make it even worse a young child was present. I physically froze. You know those dreams you have and you can’t move…well that was me- at least physically. The only part of my body that could move was my mouth and the Spirit took that over. I have no idea what I was praying- if I didn’t fully believe in speaking in tongues before that night, I sure did at that moment. The police showed up within a few minutes.
Only by His Spirit was I able to live out that moment in love and not fear. That was supernatural. All I can say is that I begin my day asking for His Spirit to lead me according to Galations 5. I get dressed in my battle gear and only then am I ready for the day.
Sometimes...fear is very False Evidence Apprearing Real. Just recently my youngest daughter was experiencing chest pains. Like turn pale, headache-grab chest kinda pains. Long story short, we were referred to a cardiologist. I knew it wasn’t her heart. I had already chosen not to walk this out in fear. For the next few days the devil put everything he could think of in my path to change my faith into fear. She started asking me questions about heaven and dying young…out of the blue, and she had NO idea that she even had an appt with a cardiologist. I didn’t even mention it to her! We went to the library and as we walked into the kids section, there appeared a book about a kid with heart issues… and I could go on and on… Turns out, Selah has a strong, vibrant 100% healthy heart! The ultrasound was just confirmation.
When we are faced with the unexpected, we must reckon with our flesh that is so prone to act in fear and establish by His power and His Word that we will take captive in obedience to Jesus Christ, EVERY THOUGHT AND EMOTION!!!!!! 2 Corinthians 10:5. And STAND believing that He will give you His peace that passes all understanding.
A heart controlled by fear is toxic and leads to all kinds of diseases and unhealthy relationships. We must guide our mind, will and emotionswith His Word and His truth! God has given us peace(Psalm 91:1, John14:27).
I've found that staying away from quick fixes- soft addictions (continuously living on facebook, hours hooked to a tv and “un-reality” shows), venting constantly horizontally, especially with folks that feed your fears!!! etc… helps keep my mind on good things (Philippians 4:8-9).
And consider purging your house of anything dark. Get rid of it if it is even questionable. Nother post, nother day- but I thought I would mention.
Spend some serious time alone with Him. In His Word…singing praises to Him…being still….listening to Him.
Worshiping throughout every moment with a thanks in your heart and on your mouth. In all things I will give thanks! He promises when we do- His peace will guard our hearts Phil 4:7.
Rocky has his theme song… I have one to- it is Revelations 21:5!!!!!! And I speak that He makes all things new according to His Word!
I’ve recently had two mammograms come back questionable- an MRI scheduled for Monday. I can honestly say, by His grace power- I have walked this out knowing that He is enough no matter what.
If we are in a situation and don’t know what to do, He has given us a teacher- His sweet Holy Spirit is there waiting- has promised to teach us all things- just ask. He will show up!
You know, at the end of the day- there is our Promise. We have such a gift in Jesus- eternity with Him. If that is settled- then it is all, already gonna be alright.
Love you all. Praying for you. Send me prayer requests- I’ll agree with you!
Scriptures to speak: Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 41:10, Proverbs 3:25-26, 2 Timothy 1:7