(Originally posted 2009)
Pastor Kevin(NJ)recently preached about Hagar...how she was blinded by her emotions (Genesis 21). She couldn't even see the provision...because she was so emotional.
Been there, done that. Moving to New Jersey...leaving an awesome family of friends in GA, moving farther away from everything and everyone we know and love... I was blinded by emotions for a long time. Making matters worse...on the surface I was Ms. postive and on the inside I was so sad, there are no words to describe. I hid my sadness becuase I didn't think it was justified. There is so much pain in the world...why was I feeling so sad? I wasn't with out Hope- I knew there was His plan... but the saddness at times was almost overwhelming.
Did you know that there is absolutely no cognition or thinking that occurs..not a single bit of info that can sink into your brain without your emotions being involved. Can't happen. Your brain has a filter... the emotional seat- the limbic system. All information comes in through your senses and passes through your brain stem...and through this part of your brain first! I would love to go into details...but for now- let's just think about this.
God made this brain that works by information going in and hitting our emotions first...but then He tells us...
Walk by faith not by sight(2 Cor 5:7).
If you think there is a contradiction here, there is not. What God is sharing is that we have to at times push past our perceptions and we must always trust Him. And you can't trust someone you don't know. We must wire our brains with His Word in order for this to occur. That way...when all hell comes up against you...your reality comes not from your flesh or circumstances- but from the truth of His Word that is wired within you neurological system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been given a measure of faith(Romans 12:3), backed up by the living Word of God (Hebrews 4:12)!!!!!!!!!!
We must not let our feelings rob our discernment of His truth. It has a blinding effect!
The enemy is well aware of how our brain works. It is no secret that our mind is his biggest battlefield.
Satan can get in their and try to twist things up in your amygdala(the part of the brain that regulates fear) so that you start concocting all kinds of scenarios that aren't even a reality and it really can mess up processing in your frontal lobe...
when things happen, and they do happen....
get out your battle gear.
First...realize who your in battle with ...it is not your spouse,your children- or even your boss or your circumstance!
Be honset with God- he knows it all. Job was very honest with God- and in the end He gave Job a double blessing.
Remember...when all hell is breaking lose and it looks like there is no way to solve the problem...We walk by faith...not by site (2 Cor 5:7).
When you feel mad, angry and like revenge or an "I don't care attitude" may be creeping in...Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me (Psalm 51:10).
If you are worn out trying to solve the problem on your own... For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6). Call on Him!!! I want life and peace!!!!!
And.. Be led by His spirit!!!!!!! Galatians 5:18 Just speak...Spirit lead me!!!!!
Love you guys- have a wonderful day!!!!! Praising Him for leading my neurons and controlling my amygdala!!!! jananne