A lot of friends have asked me two questions recently- how do you let Skylar travel all around the world? And... from those her knew her growing up, How does she stay away from home that long?
Well, to be real, it is not easy! One of my favorite quotes is by Corrie Ten Boom- it goes something like this… "The center of His will is our only safety.”
“Safe” is not defined necessarily as the absence of danger. It is defined as being right where He wants us to be, doing what He created us to do.
I’ll never forget putting her on a plane for the first trip. She was only fourteen and she was traveling across the country by herself, stopping in Dallas, switching planes and then on to CA, then Mexico. After she boarded- no joke, I heard the liar, the devil- say ,"Really, you are going to trust Jesus to get her there?" And the liar continued to remind me of all of the awful things going on in the world- even some things in my world that didn't make sense at the time.
I spoke out loud in the Raleigh-Durham airport with arms raised to Heaven- My God is her shield, He is her Rock! Angels will be encamped around her(Psalm 91, 34:7, 2 Samuel 22:3) I had a knowing- that no matter what, Her Daddy God would have her in His eternal arms. And yes- I am sure the folks around me in the airport thought I was a freak- I am!
That is peace. Knowing that you have a God, an Abba Father that really is for you, that will never leave you. That will give you strength- for whatever you are facing or wherever you are traveling!
When Skylar was little(and not so little), she was very, ahem, attached to us. She was the baby that I rocked to sleep, never letting her cry anything out! Haha!!! She had a hard time being dropped off at day care and in the church nursery. “ If that mama would just leave and let her cry!” I heard that a bunch- actually thought it myself too!
She never could spend the night away from home. She would try- and about midnight, we would get a call…sniffle, sniffle, “Daddy, please come get me.” This happened even in middle school…She was very, very social-but when it came to being away from home, especially at night- it just didn’t happen.
Not one time did we ever say- NO. You are staying there. There was something in her voice that melted her daddy’s heart. I don’t care what time of night it was- he was up, not complaining and headed out the door. One time she had gone to a birthday party at the river- and hour away. About one o’clock in the morning, we got the call and Daddy was out the door.
And to think she now spends the night in the jungles of Panama- in an open hut ( only a thatched roof above her head) with spiders and snakes looming around her- yes, it blows this mama’s mind. That is all GLORY TO GOD for sure...not our parenting- but His goodness!!!
How did this happen? I am convinced- when we get a deep understanding of His eternal plan and love- there will be no fear remaining to hold us back from our destiny. Just as Skylar learned from an early age- we would always be there for her, she now knows that Jesus- her Savior and best friend will never leave her- wherever she goes, He is there! ( Ephesians 3:11-20)
That Daddy- who will never leave you- is always ready to come to your rescue!(Hebrews 13:5).
He is there for you too. If you have a relationship with Jesus, and have insecurity issues or fear dwelling in your soul (of any size big or small), pray for the Spirit of Revelation(Ephesians 1:17) to help you comprehend that Jesus will never leave you- no matter what. Remember that His love is not dependent upon your goodness. He is for you and loves you despite your mess!
Don’t let the enemy take you captive on any level.
If you feel conviction about something-ask forgiveness and know that He is the forgiver- accept it in Jesus name!
If you are carrying around hurt or unforgiveness, ask for Jesus to lay an ax to any bitter root that may have formed in your soul due to past hurts or trauma ( Hebrews 12:15,Matt 3:10).
If you dealt with rejection as a child or as an adult- I pray this truth sinks into you now: Jesus will never leave you (Heb 13:5). Don’t hold on to that spirit of rejection! Literally- speak out loud that you know Jesus will never leave you. Bind that hurt and rejection in Jesus mighty name and lose His acceptance and love over your life!(Matt 18:18)
His love is unconditional- the only condition is that you accept it!!!!
Then don’t let your mind go back to that rejection, hurt or trauma. If you start getting little sneaky thoughts cause the devil is sneaky) IMMEDIATELY take captive those thoughts and emotions to Christ Jesus(2 Corinthians 10:5). Speak it, “I take those negative, hurtful thoughts captive in obedience to You Jesus!” He wants your mind renewed and thinking about great things so His Kingdom can advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is something in your voice that melts your Daddy’s heart- call on Him and He will answer. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you (James4:8).
Praying for each one of you! Thanks to all who are visiting here with me and sharing His good news around the country and throughout the nations!!!!
If you do not have a relationship with Jesus- which is very different than religion by the way…check this out, An Invitation. Let me hear from you!