Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Irreversible Change


I shared this in 2008, but was prompted today to reread it myself! The transformation He promises is REAL! Above, is a painting I did for my sister's birthday card, many years ago. All about transformation...

So here is the 2008 post- enjoy!

Recently, Selah and I were studying irreversible change. We made applesauce to understand this concept. Selah tried to mash the raw apples and just got “frustrating”, as she would say. Then we placed the apples in a pot and added some heat. She was able to mash the apples and after adding cinnamon and butter, we had delicious applesauce.
As we enjoyed our applesauce, I couldn't help but think how we are constantly being “irreversibly changed” to be more like Him (Philippians 1:6). We need some mashing and some sweetness, from the love and heat of the Son!
I can imagine that those apples got really hot over that fire. Do you know that fire is a symbol of God’s power, presence and protection (see: Psalm 104:4, Jeremiah 20:9, Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:17 and Daniel 3:6)?
Are you over a flame right now? Sometimes He allows us to go through fire to be changed, to glorify His Kingdom. Getting hot, really hot, is not a lot of fun. It is not comfortable, you may not “feel” His presence and you may just feel the Son-burn!!! But you can be assured that He is there (Hebrews 13:5). We are often put in situations that require His strength, beyond anything we could do on our own. Sometimes it is a process of burning away what does not belong (Luke 3:17). My pastor shared recently that faith never dulls feelings. You can have tremendous faith- but your flesh may still be hurting. We must stay in the Word- it is life, make it a priority. Surround yourself with Scripture on index cards, sticky notes and carry a Bible with you everywhere! Search His book for promises. Stay connected to people that encourage you, not those that feed into or stir up fear or negativity! Continue to praise Him with every breath you take. I am sure there have been many people whom I have crossed paths with recently who think I talk to myself- but I have a praise in my mouth at all times!!!! Have an attitude of praise on your lips, in your step and in your spirit. That is a choice, not something that just happens. Death and life are in the tongue - so speak life from His Word into your situation (Proverbs 18:21). Do not believe the lies that the enemy will whisper or shout to you. If you are in a Goliath situation, praise will break the enemies hold! Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4)!!! You will eventually see how His power, presence and protection carried you through the fire, when you do, be sure to give Him the glory.
A dragonfly is born colorless underwater. Once the dragonfly comes out of the water and emerges into light (and heat) of the sun, it changes and becomes colorful. Don’t you want to experience the transforming power of the Son?
Once we believe that Jesus died on Calvary for our sins and we ask Him to come into our hearts and reign as Lord of our life, you can be assured that you will change. Remember, it is a process (Philippians 1:6). Surrender daily! The end result will be beautiful and sweet. That is His promise.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Be Patient, James 5:7

I painted this pumpkin several years ago- and just today touched him up! As seasons are changing...I am in a season of being patient, as my husband and I discern God's will for the next move for our family.
When we have a vision that involves God's plans, we cannot expect to be able to achieve it on our own. Whew. God we need you.
And somehow I know that whatever His plan is for our lives- it involves sharing His love with others.
 "But life is not worth anything unless I use it for doing the work of telling others the good news about God's mighty kindness and love." Acts 20:24 TLB
How can you do that in your everyday walk? Use what gifts He has given you! Be available to the adversity and sometimes, inconveniences, that come from following after the True Prize! We are not all called to pastor! In everyday living, whether you are a student, a teacher, an athlete, a doctor, a grocery store cashier...God has gifted you in a special way to build His kingdom.  If you are not sure what your dream is, spend more time with Jesus! He has a plan for you! God knew you before you were formed(Psalm 139)- He predestined us all to be in a relationship with Him, if we chose. You are so special to Him that He knows how many hairs are on your head (Matthew 10:30)! Seek His dream for your life- trust Him and with His help- be patient as your God sized dream comes true!

So, as my family and I wait to find out- whether we are staying in Georgia or moving to NJ, Florida, or Nashville...we are thanking Him for all things!!!
Praising Him Patiently! jananne